
今年才加入我們的「臨床副教授」-湯姆格維,是一位很特別的人,除了「名符其實」的銀髮(他的名字叫Tom Grey);他是資深的NHS醫院藥局主任,放棄高薪到學校來教書,並且同時修博士學位。這麼「資深」的學生,他的學習態度卻一點也不含糊。今天下午,我和他討論我們身為「新老師」都要修的高等教育學分課程,他不僅安慰、鼓勵我;還把他這兩天去聽的訓練課程筆記與我分享。真的是很認真的好人!






PhD - 5 principles every students need to know (Dr. James Hayton)


More important than time management...just because it is difficult, and takes hard work, doesn't need to be painful, but does need to be rewarding.

Plenty of time management and other 'work harder' solutions around...the secrets, that don't work!


5 principles, 5 partial solutions...

1. PhD requires different skills - fundamentally different to other E,T&D. The best of the best of the best! PhD is not the culmination of the education system. PhD is not standardised, structured, competitive, and mistakes don't matter - it is unique, unstructured and competition is global. It is the start of professional academic practice. We are beginners.

2. Skills develop over time - graduation is not the end, rather the 'end of the beginning' of an academic career.

3. Research is unpredictable - you can't plan for everything, accept that things will go wrong, and plan for this.

4. Complexity of research increases over time...simple becomes complicated!

5. No set syllabus - the standard you have to reach is invisible.


Any solution has to meet these challenges to manage expectations and stress.


Partial solutions:

1. Start simple, start small

2. Focus on process rather than outcome - control (and worry) about what you can

3. Don't worry about what you don't have, can't have, or what others think.

4. Get really good at doesn't particularly matter what.

5. Turn off the internet! (Can override our fundamental instincts).


PhD is fundamentally a problem-solving exercise, requiring creativity and thought.

When something goes wrong (again)...take time out, think and come back again.

Creativity requires a different approach to productivity - it can't be timetabled.

Slowing down can actually be more productive and efficient...time to think.


Don't try too hard to please your supervisor - avoid short deadlines and be honest, but keep them informed. Mistakes are OK as long as you learn from them, the more the better?!


Don't rely on internet, there are libraries (and photocopiers). Wireless space will help creativity and writing. Allow time for problems and solutions to crystallise, before reaching to the internet or others.



How to manage multiple projects / ideas? Good to have range of ideas and not put 'all the eggs in one basket', but can flip between projects with no clear linkage and context. Helpful to focus on one area at a time, rather than flip between chapters. Start with background, context and thesis (fundamental questions and ideas) and finish introduction. At some point ends tipping point to start to consolidate and simplify work for submission, so need to get things completed. Set deadlines for each chapter to reduce the stress, rather than let it build to the end. Publication along the way will help to reduce strength - peer review defence will significantly support thesis and facilitate examination and acceptance.


Part-time - 'Book yourself' and protect your time zealously! PhD is always non-urgent and other things will always come up an deed and attention and priority.

Book out time to manage self, others and stick to it!

Keep in touch with Supervisor, regularly (every two weeks) and share ideas, work with them, seek direction and feedback. Student time is just as valuable! Confidence is key and should develop with skill level, and any failure is not through lack of trying or failure to submit.

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